Metropolitan Transportation Plan

2050 Plan Update


Each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is required by 49 USC 5303(i) to develop a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The MTP must align with the goals of the MPO, the state, and public transportation providers regarding the growth and development of the metropolitan area’s transportation network. This comprehensive plan should outline strategies for managing and operating a multi-modal transportation system—incorporating transit, highways, biking, walking, and accessible transportation options—while supporting the region’s economic development, transportation efficiency, sustainability, and other critical goals. The MTP is created for a 20+ year planning horizon and must remain within fiscal constraints.

The Ouachita Council of Governments (OCOG), our regional MPO, is currently in the process of updating its MTP. This plan, which spans a 25-year horizon, is reviewed and updated every five years to identify and prioritize transportation projects that are fiscally constrained and that the region intends to implement during the plan’s timeline (pictured below).

Public Visioning

As part of the update, OCOG is asking the community to participate in the community visioning survey. We need your input to help shape the vision for this long-range plan. Review the project website to learn about the plan, provide comments and feedback, and receive project updates.

Existing Conditions

Visit the project website to review existing conditions, technical analyses, provide feedback, and see project updates.

Contact Us

3000 Kilpatrick Blvd.

Monroe, LA 71201


Phone: (318) 387-2572
