A series of Public Hearings will be held in accordance with LA R.S. 48:231 and conducted by the Joint Transportation, Highways and Public Works Committee. The purpose of the hearings is to review highway construction priorities for the state fiscal year 2024-2025. A copy of the Preliminary Program for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 will be available for review on February 2, 2024 by interested persons at the LADOTD Headquarters Building, 1201 Capitol Access Road, Room 200U, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 or online here.

All interested persons are invited for the purpose of becoming fully acquainted with the proposed program and will be afforded an opportunity to express their views in person. Oral testimony may be supplemented by presenting important facts and documentation in writing. Comments may also be provided at the link above. All interested parties will be able to listen to the meeting by ZOOM. The ZOOM information will be posted at the link above. Written statements and comments can be handed to the committee conducting the hearing or mailed to the following address, postmarked within 45 calendar days following the final hearing:

P.O. BOX 94245
BATON ROUGE, LA 70804-9245

Should anyone requiring special assistance due to a disability wish to participate in this public hearing, please contact LADOTD (Attn: Ms. Mary Elliott) by mail at the address above or by telephone at (225) 379-1218 at least five days prior to the date of the public hearing.